Volcano Business Directory
Please support Local business ! Mahalo!
To have your information added to this directory please submit your info via our CONTACT US form.
FIND YOUR FAMILY! Investigative Genealogist
Adoption Search & Genealogy, Family Ancestry Search - All 50 States.
- Adoptees Welcome - Find your Birth Family! Find Relatives . We build your accurate family tree!
Bea Arnopole, Genealogist & DNA Expert 808-987-0920
Accommodations ( Vacation Rentals, Cottages, B&Bs, Inns, Hotels )
For lodging and accommodations please go to the Volcano Lodging Directory
- to be included in available lodging please contact us via email for details
Appliance and Water Pump Repairs
Phillip Jenkins 967-7655
Arts & Crafts / Galleries
- Volcano Gallery & Artist Studio, 11-3980 Lanihuli Road, Volcano Village, HI 96785
Call/Text 808-967-8617 * Artist Gallery / Showroom, call ahead for hours.
Beautiful Koa Wood Gifts and Treasures, art, jewelry, sculptures, photography, sculptures, and more. - Harrowhawk Studios 985-9934, Patrick Daniel Sarsfield PDYS37@aol.com
- Kilauea Kreations 967-8090, Supplies and Creations Co-op
- Mo'onui Arts NEW #: 985-9180 Tom Pico, Polynesian Sculptures and Tatau
- The Mush-Room Fiberworks, Pam Barton 967-7247
- Niele Gifts 967-7700, Natural Crafts, native materials Mike and Winnie Villanueva
- Pacific Jewels of Hawai. Barbara McIntosh 967-7921 www.pacificjewels.com barbara@pacificjewels.com
- Ruth Levin Handstamps 967-7383
- Suzzi Le Buse 967-8529, Crochet Bikini Tops and Doll, Oil and Acrylic Painting
- Volcano Art Center 967-7965 Office 967-8222 fax 967-8512 volcanoartcenter.org
- Volcano Garden Arts , Ira Ono Designs 967-7261,
19-3834 Old Volcano Rd., Volcano Village, Hawaii 96785 www.volcanogardenarts.com
- Don's Big Island Towing, Don Mulliken 967-7688
Bed and Breakfast Accomodations
For Bed & Breakfast Lodging please go to the Volcano Lodging Directory
- to be included in available lodging please contact us via email for details
Car Rentals ( when the airport places are booked out )
- Enterprise Rent A Car, Hilo
- Aiona Car Sales & Rental, Hilo
Carpet Cleaning
- East Hawaii Maintenance, Jesse Garcia 985-8562
- KMC Chapel 967-7315 * CLOSED
- Volcano Village Church - Volcano Assembly of God
19-4276 Wright Road, Volcano, HI 96785
Sunday worship 10:00 am, Wednesday Bible Study: 6:30PM, - All Welcome. Pastor Robert Bruzelius 238-2812
Community Groups / Associations / Non-Profits
- Cooper Center ( Community Center )
- Mauna Loa Estates Road Maintenance, Inc P.O. Box 531, Volcano HI 96785 http://mlermi96785.wix.com/mlermi
- Volcano Cymbidium Acres Road Maintenance Corporation ( CARMC )
Computer Repair/Solutions
Contractors, General
- John R Kelley Construction, Residential repairs, remodeling and additions,
General Contractors License BC 24669, 315-8558 Home and message, 938-2530 cell.
- Hui Ohana Caregiving 968-6757 Robin Dickinson
Elder helpers/companions
- Melanie Ilikea 985-9205
- Ruth Nishijima 967-7361
- Deborah Pawai 985-9832
- Bruce Siu 985-8676
- Louis Silva-Sampaio 808 854 0302 (updated 2/27/2018)
- Volcano Flowers - Ship Hawaii Tropical Flowers from Hawaii to You!
- Akatsuka Orchid Gardens, 967-8234 fax 967-7140 888-967-6669
- Ka Lei Aloha, Haw'n Lei & Wreaths Janice Conway 985-8565
- Kilauea Flowers 967-8029 kflowers@bigisland.net
- Orchids in the Mist 985-8789 Rex and Shelly Anderson
- Volcano Flowers and Greenery 967-7450
Food Products (Local)
- Coffee & Tea of Hawaii, Edna Erakawa & Jim Chestnut, Second Alarm Farm
(808) 443-9312 Email: 808volcanocoffee@gmail.com Website: Find us on Face Book.
Specialty Grade Coffee, Green and Oolong Tea per oz and by the lb, also welcome visitor by appointment.
- Volcano Golf and Country Club Golf Shop 967-7331, Maintenance 967-7222
Guided Tours and Hikes
- IslandSource - Directory of Local Tours, Hikes, Adventures, Snorkel Tours
- GeoVentures 985-9901 Janet Babb planet-hawaii.com/hea/volcano geoventures@aloha.net
- Kilauea Adventures 967-7197 Canda Bloir candabloir@aol.com
Hair and Nails
- Angel Hair Pamela pameangel@aol.com 985-7198
Handyfolk, Repairs, Maintenance, etc.
- Bill's Painting &Repair 967-8079
- Gutter Cleaning 967-7313
- Handy Guy 967-7655 Phillip Jenkins
- Randy's Repairs 985-9504 Randy Fisher
- Volcano True Value 967-7969
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Guides (Certified), Private Tours, Photo Tours
Ken Arnopole, Certified HVNP Guide 808-987-0920
Bea Arnopole, Certifed HVNP Guide 808-987-0920
- For hotel accommodations please go to our Volcano Lodging Directory
Holo Holo Inn 967-7950 Youth Hostels America 967-8025
Landscape and Yard Care
- Warren Gilbert - Large and Small Yard Service
- Volcano Laundromat 967-7969
- Acupuncture Works 985-8699 Eve de Molin, L. Ac., L. M. T.
- Kawika Ramler 985-8509 Hatha Yoga Classes kawika@hialoha. net
- Tai Chi Daniel Lepine 967-7177
Music/Dance Lessons/Groups
- Volcano Art Center, 967-8222
- Volcano Festival Chorus Tom McAlexander 985-7192 tmcalexander@prodigy.net
- Arnopole Studios www.arnopolestudios.com 987-4233
Ken Arnopole, Professional Photographer specializing in commercial photography, product photography, portraits, model photography, wedding photography, commercial video production. karnopole@hawaii.rr.com - Paul J. Buklarewicz, Inc.
Geographic and Travel Stock Photography pjbinc@gte.net
11th Pearl Gallery v/f 967-7933 - Brad Lewis Photography www.volcanogallery.com/BradLewis.htm
Volcano Vacation Rentals ( Short term Vacation Rental Only)
Volcano Lodging 808-987-0920
No Listing - Sorry, but we do not accept realtor listings at this time.
The Domain Name: Volcano Realty www.volcanorealty.com is for sale
contact info@volcanogallery.com for details .
- Volcano Coffee House www.volcanocoffeehouse.com BUSINESS FOR SALE
( currently closed for following other dreams :-) ) - Kilaue'a Lodge 967-7366
- Kilaue'a Military Camp 967-7315 Active Military:: Cafeteria, Snack Shop, Lava Lounge
- Thai Thai 967-7969
- Volcano Golf & Country Club Restaurant 967-8228 CLOSED
- Volcano House , Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
- Volcano's Lava Rock Cafe 967-8526
- Kiawe Kitchen CLOSED
- THUK THUK THAI FOOD TRUCK Volcano ( at Volcano Community Center )
- Cafe Ohia, Hauanani Road ( On the corner of the Volcano Store )
- Cafe Ohelo, next to Volcano Store
Rubbish and Recycling
- Aloha Rubbish 985-8576 Wayne Knapstadt
Sharpening Services
- Hill's Sharpening Services Hill. R. Fulgham 967-8120
Stores - General
- Kilauea General Store , Old Volcano Road. 967-7555
open 7:30 am - 7:30 pm - Volcano Store, Old Volcano Road / Haunani Road 967-7210
open 5:30 am - 6:45 pm - Kilauea Military Camp General Store ( at KMC, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park )
- J.P. Lockwood 967-8579 Geohazards Consultants Int'l www..volcanologist.com
Website Designing, Desktop Publishing, Brochures, etc.
- Rainbow Moon Publishing Bea Arnopole 967-8617 moonr002@hawaii.rr.com
- Rev. Beate Arnopole, P.O. Box 699, Volcano, HI 96785 808-987-0920
- Rev. Ken Arnopole, P.O. Box 699, Volcano, HI 96785 808-987-0920
Non-Denominational or Religious Weddings and Vowel Renewal www.volcanoweddings.com
- Volcano Winery, Pii Mauna Road 967-7479 * offering wine tasting