Volcano Farmers Market
Veggies, Salad, Baked Goods, Meals, crafts, and more

For Volcano Village this is the weekly social event. This is where people go to exchange news, say "Aloha" to their friends, meet some new people, buy locally grown fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits, and flowers. Also available are locally made food products and the islands best fresh baked goods, such as sweet cheese croissants, almond bear claws, macadamia croissant, angel-wing pesto rolls, fresh baked bread, gourmet food ( for lunch/dinner) by one of our own local culinary experts, and lots more.
Every Sunday
6:30 am to < 9-9:30 am at Cooper Center (Wright Road), Volcano Village
(Get there early!! Everythings sells fast).
Farmers Market is fun for everyone!

Cooper Center built by the community

Volcano's big social event of the week...